Thursday, November 15, 2007

Annoyed of Mount Waverley

I have had enough of flickr. How do I actually view any of these 300 million images!!!!

I have searched without logging in, I have after logging in.....nothing. Nothing under cats, dogs, pets, trees just a helpful message
We couldn't find any photos matching tree. Would you like to try a search for photos about sky, nature, trees, green or blue instead?
and what do you know nothing under any of those suggestions. Just what are the subject of these 300m photos!!!!

Anyway, I have given up. If it is not easy then it is not internet.

Ahh, (I haven't really given up) when I go into Advanced search I find my safe search is automatically on. When I turn it off I get 750,000 images of everything, and none of them look unsafe too me. Flickr ought to check the intsructions on delicious and realise what is and is not intuitive. May I quote another user comment
safe search filter !!
mandy091969 says:
How can I switch that f****** safe search filter off for good ? It is extremely annoying to be compelled to confirm that f***** thing each damn time I do a search.

Amen to that Mandy, whoever you are.

And this from their FAQs
Note: If your Yahoo! ID is based in Singapore, Hong Kong or Korea you will only be able to view safe content based on your local Terms of Service so won’t be able to turn SafeSearch off. If your Yahoo! ID is based in Germany you are not able to view restricted content due to your local Terms of Service.

Not going to have much joy searching in those countries!!!

Admirable for flikr to try online censorship and can see why they do it, problem is it just really annoys anyone trying to use it, and if you find nothing under cats or dogs from a database of 300m images with safe search on, then something is broke.

Okay, I have over ridden the default I hope.

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